Sephi Hakubi plans Project Arrhythmia Twitch marathon for Extra-Life
After its mention on previous Rave-Powered Gaming streams, it is confirmed via Facebook that Sephi Hakubi will be hosting a Project Arrhythmia marathon on HakubiVerse’s Twitch channel this Friday, November 27th, at 12PM Central Standard time.
Extra Life is the effort that “unites thousands of gamers around the world to play games in support of their local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital”. Every 2nd weekend of November, a day is dedicated worldwide for gamers to stream in support of their area children’s hospital. As also mentioned on previous Rave-Powered Gaming streams, Sephi regrettibly could not participate on this past Extra-Life Day on November 7th; however, he has dedicated Black Friday as the day HakubiVerse will host their Extra Life stream, playing Project Arrhythmia in hopes of raising $1000 for The Children’s Hospital of San Antonio within 12 hours.
Project Arrhythmia is a rhythm game similar to Just Shapes & Beats, which was recently played on previous Rave-Powered Gaming streams. Project Arrhythmia is described as a “musical bullet-hell in which all things beautiful are deadly” and features custom-made courses, a library of harmonic music with chaotic levels. Project Arrhythmia is currently in early-access on Steam and can be purchased on: https://store.steampowered.com/app/440310/Project_Arrhythmia/
The goal for this stream is to raise $1000 within 12 hours, which donations can be made during the stream on HakubiVerse’s Twitch channel or on the Extra Life page at: https://www.extra-life.org/participant/sephi-hakubi. Sephi plans to guarantee at least 6 hours of playing Project Arrhythmia (12PM – 6PM CST). The stream can be extended up to 12 hours (ending at around midnight); however, the requirement to continue to 12 hours is to keep the viewership above 10 viewers throughout the stream. Let’s give this our best shot in what is described as “Flipping the script this Black Friday”; tell your friends to tune in to twitch.tv/hakubiverse this Friday, support the stream, support Extra Life, and support the Children’s Hospital of San Antonio by donating whatever you can while being entertained by harmony and mayhem.