The World Series of Anime Raves set to return with A Night in Crystal San AnTokyo
At the end of Sephi Hakubi’s May 5th stream of Thursday Night Tunes; the RAVEmaker had revealed his “cosmic surprise” by announcing the return of Hard Dance Texas’ flagship otaku rave in its 4th incarnation, San AnTokyo 4; otherwise known as, A Night in Crystal San AnTokyo. Unlike previous San AnTokyo events that usually take place in or around February, A Night in Crystal San Antonio will be set to take place August 6th, the night of International Sailor Moon Day; however, just like previous San AnTokyo events, it will welcome anime fans, cosplayers, video gamers, comic fans, and ravers willing to party with their favorite AnimEDM and Hard Dance DJs, live performers, guests of honor, vendors, and visual artists. It is safe to say that A Night in Crystal San AnTokyo will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the iconic magical girl series that became a gateway into anime; in addition, San AnTokyo 4 will also celebrate anime from its attitude era in the 80s and 90s that has made Japanese fandom iconic in the West such as Yu Yu Hakusho, Magic Knight Rayearth, Samurai Troopers (Ronin Warriors), Dragon Ball, and Project A-ko.
San AnTokyo 4: A Night in Crystal San AnTokyo will take place at 800 Live Venue & Nightclub on August 6th, 2022. Performers and guests are expected to be announced in the coming weeks; however some hints, keeping with tradition, we will have a singing performance this year as we’ve had in the past. Previous San AnTokyos featured singers such as PAiDA at the first San AnTokyo, Basilio Romo at San AnTokyo 2, and Zoe VanWest who headlined San AnTokyo 3. We also have B2B tag-team action featuring headliners from past HakubiVerse & Hard Dance Texas events, yet we will have a really incredible surprise coming very soon. Be sure to RSVP on Facebook and get your tickets now as prices will go up once some of the lineup is announced.
Check out the afterfilm of San AnTokyo 3 featuring Zoe VanWest to see how we do anime raves. San AnTokyo 3 took place what used to be Limelight SA in February of 2020, the final HD:TX show before the COVID-19 pandemic.