Edge of HakubiVerse Vlog Premiers on YouTube
Just when the Hakubiverse music and media label is about to launch at the turn of the new decade, Sephi Hakubi returns to vlogging once again. Sephi catches his nightkids up since being off YouTube for 6 years and highlights his moments from attending Ikkicon 2019 and celebrating New Year’s Eve at AV Expression.
The HakubiVerse concept was a dream that Sephi Hakubi had for about the past two decades and the concept has taken a few different forms over the course of the last 20 years; from the original high school anime club Neo-Sushi Alliance, to the independent artist collective known as Sushicrowd, to the ground-breaking event company, Hau5 of Hakubi Productions. During the days of Sushicrowd, Sephi had recorded a couple of vlogs about his anime convention adventures and gone on to record full convention panels (which some are still available on the HakubiVerse YouTube). Now Sephi returns to YouTube along with Amethyst as they record their adventures in fandom with their new series: Edge of HakubiVerse. Episode 1 introduces Sephi to quickly fill the gaps between Sushicrowd and this episode as he abandoned vlogging and officially closed Sushicrowd in 2013; following that, the episode highlights his and Ame’s Saturday at IKKiCON showcasing Hebi Studios and Austin KPOP Random Dance Play, and finally ending with a New Year’s Eve party called Vision 2020 hosted by JDS and Sam Banks Entertainment.
Currently, the idea is that there will be at least one new episode per month with the next episode featuring PAX South. Be sure to subscribe to HakubiVerse on YouTube and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to find out when Episode 2 will air.