We at HakubiVerse will be taking part in The Show Must Be Paused/Blackout Tuesday campaign in unity with the music industry in support of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, countless other black citizens murdered and disenfranchised by police, Black Lives Matter, and all others who were murdered or suffered at the hands of police brutality and callousness (Daniel Shaver). This is not a matter of political discussion nor agenda, this is about doing the right thing and holding those that do wrong accountable. Despite the compatibility of ones’ political spectrum, evil was done to George Floyd and countless other black citizens at the hands of an agency that is sworn to protect and serve their communities. HakubiVerse is in full support of a change for the better to ensure this evil is punished and that no other injustices to innocent citizens take place by anyone’s hands as not supporting would absolutely be un-American.
Here are ways you can help support this change for a better America for our communities. The people have the power all along and it is up to us to make sure that we fight for that better change so that no American lives with fear. #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #TheShowMustBePaused #BlackoutTuesday